And 2007 Is Here!
Happy, Happy New Year to all of you! :)
New year is always a rejuvenation of sorts. Gathering all things undone, words unsaid, promises and resolutions unkept. This day every year, everyone says to themselves, "This year, I'll do it." Sometimes we do it and sometimes we don't. And then there is always the next year. :D To tell you the truth, that's what keeps me going! Phew! :PResolutions, yes. Am not going to put them up, because there are very few people who'd get it anyway. :) Restricted access wonly!
Once again, all of you have a great year ahead - do everything you want to do! :)
all the best and a very happy new year :)
Has it become a trend to put up Calvin and Hobbes' cartoons??
Anywayz, Happy New Year..:)
and besta luck for ur "secret" and "personal" resolutions...
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