Saturday, December 17, 2005

Birthday Bumper!!!

Two days since yours truly turned all of 17 !!!

-> I tried explaining that to my mom when she insisted that she feed me a bowl of sorry looking salad with unidentifiable veggies. In vain. My only consolation was that it contained a considerable amount of mayonnaise which i happily slurped! :P

-> Had math exam on 15th. Sulked the day before. Trudged through 300 odd problems. Stayed up till 2. Rose at 5. Slogged some more. Got all excited when i got family presents.
Pick of the lot - Mom's crocodile skin purse. (i am a firm supporter of the SPCA but it was so gorgeous!!)

-> Went to school. Got swooped on by friends and all and sundry for sole reason of possessing two huge packets of toffees. Jeez. Looked on while aforementioned sundry helped themselves. Best friend was kind enough to let it drop with about 12 of 'em! Wasn't complaining.

-> Came home. Got phone calls from long, long lost friends and rivals too. Very satisfied and at peace with the world. Was a picture of contentment.

-> Today. End of torturous exams. Necessary evil they claim. Bah! Day off. Frizzled the time away. Went out. Treated friends(with V). LMAO. Reason being two very very very comical pals. Blew an entire grand. Got very pretty kurti as birthday gift.

-> Came home grinning and all happy to face the smoldering glare of the kid sis still plagued by those awful things they call exams. Anticipated this. Ergo, got her richest cake I could find. Positively smothered with chocolato. Sister pacified. Peace reigns.

-> Here I am. Typed out chronological unfolding of birthday events. Read through. Spell Checked. Satisfied.

-> Sandman beckons. Day dawns early tomorrow. Yours truly will get into serious mode and start intense preparation for forthcoming necessary evils.

-> Arrivederci e Acclamazioni


Camphor said...

Many happy returns of that day...

... and looks like you had fun. :)

the Monk said...

Happy belated birthday...u trudged thru 300 problems in one day?I'm impressed...

Anonymous said...

Birthday? i never even knew too bad. anyway happy birthday(belated). Fortunately my birthdays rarely fall during exams.
but blowing a whole grand atrocious and i dont even get a toffee. hmph...

S said...

sorry abt the toffee...will get u some wednesday...positive!! jus missed u tat day!! :P a grand was well-spent...amazing time!!! :D

oh yea!!! fun i had!! was super!! and thanks very much!! :D

*takes a bow* yea...hav to do tat sometimes....even if only to escape my mom's wrath!!! :D